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The Magic of Gratitude

In yesterday’s tip, I started discussing the spirit of gratitude
and joy that permeates the season, begining with the Thanksgiving
holiday. Today, I’d like to follow up with some thoughts on how you
and I can apply this concept to our breathing and our health.

This is a great time of year to express appreciation for the people,
things and events in your life.

As you take stock of all the good things that have happened to, and
for, you over the past year — and yes, there were good things, no
matter how poorly your year may have gone — you feel full of
positive energy. You feel expansive and happy.

The feeling of appreciation is probably the most profound you can
have. It’s actually a lot like love – a pure form of love.

You vibrate on a higher level. You feel more in harmony with the
world. You feel your energy skyrocket and you become less
self-centered and withdrawn.

When you suffer from any kind of chronic problem, whether it’s
health related, stress related, relationship problems, you name it
— you tend to get too wrapped up in yourself and your problems.

You view your world through the patina of pain, disappointment,
or frustration brought about by your present condition. Trouble is,
this does nothing to relieve you of your condition. In fact, it
just makes it worse.

To snap out of this negative cycle, you need to “get outside
of yourself”.

What I mean is, you need to focus your thoughts and feelings
outside of yourself and your personal problems, even if just
for a few minutes or hours.

And the easiest way to do this is to express appreciation.

The holiday season provides a perfect opportunity to do that.
In fact, it’s what Thanksgiving is all about…so what are you
waiting for?

Start to look outside yourself and your present problems or
frustrations. Count your blessings, both large and small.

Doing this can help get you into a very positive and relaxed
state of mind. It cancels out the negative energy you may be
feeling due to health problems, stress at work….long lines
at the airport security screening area, packed flights,
fussy children…can you tell I am thinking ahead to our
travels tomorrow?

To be honest, I am visualizing smooth sailing, quick passage
through security with no patdowns or groping of any kind,
an on-time flight….and most importantly, a lovely
Thanksgiving Day for my family and me.

In other words, I am expecting the best (while being
prepared for the worst). AND I am so very grateful that we
will have the opportunity to take this little vacation and
share some holiday time with family.

This same mechanism is used in many techniques that combine
visualization with deep breathing. These techniques are used
to improve breathing capacity, counteract breathing disorders
such as asthma symptoms or attacks– even to control pain.

The visualizations may vary, but the goals are the same: to
(1) move your attention and focus away from your ailment;
(2) make your breathing fuller and freer; and
(3) energize and relax you.

It only takes a few minutes of thinking gracious thoughts to
begin to relax and free your breathing. ‘Tis the season —
take advantage and try it!

You Can Do It!

P.S. One of the best ways to achieve a relaxed, calm state and
focus on what’s important is through your breathing. In the
Secret Power of Dynamic Energy Exercise Course, Volume I:
Invigorate and Rejuvenate
, I teach you how to breathe completely
AND how to coordinate your breathing to simple but powerful
movements that spread energy effortlessly throughout your
entire body. To experience the sensation of being relaxed,
in rhythm, and in control, order your copy of program today
at the Best Breathing Exercises website.
Copyright, Karen Van Ness, 2010.

**The contents of this daily email are not to be considered as
medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning
or changing any health or fitness regimen.**

This email is protected by copyright, 2010, Karen Van Ness.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email
is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Karen Van Ness and KVN Enterprises.

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