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Finally – Achieve Your Goal to Lose Weight

If you’re like 80% of adults, you probably made a resolution to lose weight and get in better shape in 2011.

If you want to lose weight, or have been told by your doctor (or a significant other) that you ought to lose weight….I’m here to help you.

But first, full disclosure.

I’ve battled my weight, off and on, for many years now, going back to college days.

Yes, even though I’m a fitness trainer, producer of information products that help thousands of people improve their health and energy levels, a black belt in two martial arts, and a former collegiate athlete – I too have had a few periods in my life when I have been overweight.

When I was overweight, I resolved to diet and exercise in order to lose the pounds and firm up. I typically would join a gym and embark on a conventional program of doing cardio, lifting weights, stretching, and doing lots of abdominal exercises.

I even tried yoga and pilates (before pilates was popular!). I also put myself on a diet and was very careful about what I ate.

I experienced success for a time. I would lose weight, usually up to 10 or 15 pounds. I would be feeling good about myself. Then, I would inevitably hit one of those momentum-stealing, motivation-sapping plateaus, and the weight loss would stop.

It was hard to stay motivated at these times, because the pounds just didn’t come off as quickly as I expected. I felt like I was working so hard and depriving myself. I should have been seeing better results.

Each week, I stepped on the scale. And each week, I was disappointed at my lack of progress. Even worse, I sometimes found that I had gained weight! Maybe it was just “water weight”, but who cares? I was so frustrated and heartbroken that I would cry whenever I looked at myself in the mirror.

I knew there was a beautiful body – MY beautiful body – in there somewhere. But how could I get to it?

If you’ve tried and failed to lose and keep off a significant amount of weight, I’m sure you can understand my frustration and despair.

This is the point at which most people say, “Aw, what’s the use!” and give up on their quest for a great body.

I wasn’t done yet, though. I decided to investigate and try one more thing – something I thought could accelerate my results and melt away the pounds.

Here’s what I discovered:

Through my training in martial arts, energy disciplines and breathing methods, as well as research I have done into old-time methods of physical training and health enhancement, I came to a realization:

All the exercising and dieting I had been doing was good for me, and I was getting some results. BUT I was missing a key ingredient: deep breathing.

Here’s what you need to know if you’re trying to lose weight:

One of the primary actions of deep breathing is to provide the body with ample quantities of oxygen. Oxygen provides the spark which heats up your metabolism, which in turn increases your body’s need for energy, or calories.

When you engage in deep breathing on a regular basis, you pull more oxygen into your system. This causes your body to more quickly burn the calories you take in from food and drink. It then goes into a deficit, and turns to fat stores as an additional source of energy.

Priming this mechanism is the secret to dramatic and lasting weight loss. And the key is oxygen: the more oxygen you take in, the faster the results.

So I leveraged this information I already had, but had taken for granted. I put it to use. And my results were fantastic!

Not only did I lose the weight, including those last 5 or 10 stubborn pounds that you can never seem to get off…I also toned my waistline and core to the point I could actually see my abs!

Later, I shared the exercises and recommendations in this program with a few of my private training clients. They also achieved wonderful results using this method.

Maybe you have a lot of weight to lose. Perhaps you would like to radically improve the results you’re getting from your current fitness or weight loss program. Or maybe you want to lose that last 5 to 10 pounds so you can see your abs.

Whatever your situation, you can put this program to work immediately to help reach your goal.

I call this the “Fire Up Your Metabolism” Program, because that is exactly what it does.

I encourage you to check it out and put it to work for yourself. You can read more about it at

You Can Do It!

Karen Van Ness

“Best Breathing Exercises: Transform Body Mind and Spirit with Dynamic Energy Exercise!”

P.S. Another full disclosure: I’ve let myself slip – yes, me, the so-called health nut – and I have some weight to lose. One of my priority goals for 2012 is to get back into fighting trim. But I don’t have a lot of time to try to fit in workouts. So I will be following a very focused program – the approach in the “Fire Up Your Metabolism” Program – so I can get the results I want in less time. Why don’t you join me? Discover how at

Copyright, Karen Van Ness, 2012

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