Deserve It!

I have a poster in my office that I absolutely love.

It’s a picture of Winston Churchill. Actually an official reprint of one of the World War II posters put out during the war in England.

In the picture, Churchill is pointing his finger at you, the viewer. The caption beneath him says, “Deserve Victory!”

I purchased this poster during a trip to London, after a tour of the war cabinet rooms. This was the complex of offices and personal quarters the Brits built under Whitehall during WWII.

Churchill and his administration spent many hours and days in these rooms, running the war effort and rallying their people.

Of course, I had heard of and read about the bombing of London during the war.

But touring the war rooms…seeing how people had to live and operate under the most grueling of conditions…seeing the photos of  bombed, burned out buildings, and hearing about how the average family had to camp out at night in the subway tunnels…

Well, this really brought home for me the level of sacrifice and sheer determination and fortitude it must have taken to not only survive, but emerge a victor in the (to date) most devastating war humanity has yet waged on itself.

One of the reasons I like this picture is that Churchill himself had very serious doubts about how the war would turn out. For awhile there, it was basically Britain against Nazi Germany and the other Axis countries.

And Churchill himself suffered from bouts of self doubt and sometimes severe depression.

He also liked to drink a lot, which probably didn’t help in those dark hours (or maybe it did).

In other words, he was not perfect. He had flaws and shortcomings. He had doubts.

Yet somehow, through his language, attitude and sheer force of will, he rallied his coutrymen and women, and helped bring the U.S. and other allies into the war.

How does this apply to you? Well, I think each of us can relate to feeling overwhelmed, not up to the task, and perhaps even undeserving of the good things we wish for.

These types of feelings, even if held subconsciously, can bite you in the you-know-what if you don’t acknowledge them and begin to change them.

They typically manifest as lack of confidence…or lack of persistence…or self-sabotage.

Well, take a word of advice from one of the great men of history.

You deserve victory.

You deserve to have the level of fitness and health you want. You deserve to be energetic, enthusiastic and happy.

However, you must also make sure you DESERVE victory.

In other words, you must put in the mental, emotional and physical effort to make your goals and dreams come true. You need to take care of the basics each day. You know, those things large and (usually) small that add up over the days and months to signficant progress.

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P.S. How’s your flexibility? Did you know that stretching and flexibility means more than maintaining a certain range of motion, or the ability to bend down and pick up something. It means resiliency. It means motion. It means acting – and FEELING – younger and more energetic, in everything you do. AND having a more flexible and supple body helps you develop greater flexibility and creativity in your thinking – a surefire way to accelerate your results this year.

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Copyright, Karen Van Ness, 2012