Discover the Master Blueprint to a Powerful Health Practice

I’m super stoked to be presenting a seminar on “The Five Elements Approach to Better Health, Energy, and Longevity” this Saturday, May 4th, at the Northwest Family YMCA, where I teach most of my group Qigong classes.

The Five Elements Framework is ancient and deeply woven into the fabric of Chinese and Eastern cultures. Five Element theory is the foundation of disciplines such as feng shui, the martial arts, and the I Ching (The Book of Changes). It provides a comprehensive template that organizes all natural phenomena into five master groups or patterns or phases in nature: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth.

From a health enhancement perspective, the Five Element Framework provides a master blueprint that diagrams how nature interacts with the body and how the different dimensions of our being impact each other. Within Classical Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong, it provides a diagnostic framework to recognize where imbalances in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit lie…the “prescription” for returning the individual to full health and energy…and practices that promote longevity and quality of life.

What are The Five Elements?

The Five Elements follow the seasons and include the five Yin organs (and their corresponding Yang organ pairs) and address the interconnected relationships between them:

Metal: Lung – Large Intestine / FALL

Water: Kidneys – Bladder / WINTER

Wood: Liver – Gall Bladder / SPRING

Fire: Heart – Small Intestine / SUMMER

Earth: Spleen – Stomach / LATE SUMMER

In the seminar, we’ll provide an overview of each Element / Organ System and how it impacts your health and wellbeing, including:

-Physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.
-Potential strengths and challenges from a health and energetic perspective.
-Nutritional requirements and recommendations.
-Personality typing: explore which “element” (or mix of elements) you are.

This will be interactive! You won’t just be sitting listening to me lecture. (Although, as a recovering consultant, I WILL have some slides I present with. Just can’t help it…)

We’ll be learning / practicing one of my favorite sets of ancient Five Elements Dao Yin exercises, which are simple but powerful movements that help to support and regulate each specific organ system – which in turn can help you achieve better health, enhanced energy levels, and greater longevity.

How Can I Participate?

If you’re interested in attending this fascinating look at an ancient, proven, alternative health and wellness paradigm, contact the Northwest Family Y member services desk at (512) 335-9622 and ask them to sign you up for the Qigong Seminar this Saturday. The member price to attend is $35. (If you’re not a Y member just ask them for the non-member price.)

Then show up at the Northwest Family YMCA at 5807 McNeil Drive in Austin this Saturday, May 4th. Seminar time is 1 – 3pm in the Bowen Room.

And May the 4th Be With You!

Tai Chi It Up!

Did you celebrate World Tai Chi Day this past Saturday?

We had a great crowd at the Northwest Family YMCA World Tai Chi Day and Qigong Celebration.

I took the group through a couple of Qigong segments, including an Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin) series performed outside under the lovely oak trees. It got too windy though, so we regrouped inside for more Tai Chi and Qigong, including a flowing progression through another famous, wonderful Qigong form, the Yi Jin Jing (Muscle-Tendon Changing Classic).

We also reviewed the Tai Chi 10-Form and Simplified 24-Form, plus enjoyed other Tai Chi and martial arts demos.

All in, a great morning and a winderful way to come together and celebrate these health-enhancing practices.

Qigong Class Times

If you’re interested in learning Qigong or Tai Chi, you can check out our classes at the Northwest Family YMCA at 5807 McNeil Drive in Austin. Contact member services at (512) 335-9622. You can ask for a free day at the Y and take classes, swim in the pool, or workout in the newly renovated fitness center.

Our Qigong classes meet at 2pm on Sundays and 9:45am on Wednesdays.

Tai Chi classes meet at 5:15pm on Wednesdays and 11:15am on Saturdays.

I also teach at the Lago Vista Fitness Company on Friday mornings.

Get Started with Online Qigong Courses

If you’re interested in learning more about Qigong, a great way to get started is through the online courses I offer on this website. Visit our Products and Programs page and explore the courses available to you. With each course, I guide you through a set of weekly curriculum so you can learn at a measured pace and not get overwhelmed. You also have access to me via email each week with any questions on the exercises.

Start today! These life-transforming instructional courses can help you reduce stress, achieve optimal health and wellness, and overcome chronic conditions. Or go deeper in your Qigong or Breathing practice – from form to energetics to inner teachings – and develop a robust, sustainable practice.

You Can Do It!

Dr. Karen

Resilient Wellness Qigong Featured in New Book

My Uechi-Ryu instructor, Grandmaster George Mattson, known as “The Father of Uechi-Ryu Karate in America”, just published his fifth major book, titled “The Dynamic World of Martial Arts: Unleashing the Power Within”.

I’ve immensely enjoyed reading the book. It’s a mix of Mattson Sensei’s experiences over the years as one of the leading proponents of traditional martial arts in the U.S.; his perspectives on the changes we’ve seen over the decades in how martial arts are viewed, practiced, and taught; and a deeper view into his own training and mindset practices that have helped him achieve such longevity as a martial artist, instructor, and leader.

Mattson Sensei asked me and a few other instructors to provide some sections for the book. I was honored to be asked AND I’m thrilled that Resilient Wellness Qigong is featured in its own small chapter within the book.

Why Uechi?

I first trained in Uechi Ryu Karate back in the early 1990s. (Yes, I am dating myself). I was already a Second Degree Black Belt in a traditional style of Tae Kwon Do and was interested in studying a martial art that would be a good complement to the medium to long range strategies of my primary art. Uechi is an infighting style with roots in Southern China. It’s also a “fighting style” with a focus on developing actual fighting skills and reactions with many open hand techniques, low kicks, and simplified stances and footwork.

My first Uechi instructor was Sensei John Carria who is one of the leaders within the Uechi community. John was (and is) an excellent instructor and continues to learn, develop, and share those learnings through teaching and his own book that came out last year. (Click the book cover to the right for a link to John’s book.)

When I first started learning Uechi, I truly felt like a fish out of water. It was so different from what I was used to. But it also intrigued me. I trained hard and eventually earned a First Degree Black Belt under Carria Sensei’s instruction. I knew I still had a lot to learn and sensed a depth to the art that would take some years to fully understand and appreciate. And it has not disappointed.

When I became a mom, I took some years off from formal training. I would train on my own and hit the bags, and sometimes work out with my son. But it was years before I got the bug to train formally again as a student. As I searched for and considered options for training, I happened upon Mattson Sensei’s virtual dojo, I saw that he had pioneered virtual instruction years prior, long before advancements in remote communications technology via the internet made virtual communications easy and inexpensive. Through his early experimentation, George developed a highly effective approach for teaching and coaching long-distance, helping students and black belts from all over the world either commence their martial arts study, OR continue their Uechi-Ryu development.

“Call Me George”

One of the things I love most about Mattson Sensei is how down-to-earth he is. The first time we spoke on a coaching call, I addressed him as Sensei. He immediately said, “Call me George”. He has no need for the “Grand Poobah”, “Super Mega Grandmaster” titles that seem to have proliferated in the martial arts. Given his stature within the Uechi world, and martial arts world in general, this was so refreshing – and a testament to the quiet confidence he enjoys after many decades of contribution.

He is also super supportive and uplifting. I came back to Uechi as an out-of-shape mom and businesswoman who wanted to train in a meaningful way but did not have a good dojo or training opportunity close by. Would I be able to train martial arts again without injuring myself or looking like an idiot? George assuaged my concerns. His approach is to get going and start training and, as he says, “Train Smart. Train Often”. His key lesson is consistency. Do something every day, even if it’s just your three Sanchins and some pushups. And build from there.

I also appreciate that George calls you on your bullshit. He lets me know if he thinks I have not trained as hard as I should have or progressed on something like I should have. We all respond better to someone providing clarity and honesty in their feedback, because we want to know where we stand and how we are doing.

And George models everything he pushes his students and instructors to do. He’s 86 years young, still trains every day, still loves to teach, and continued to inspire and empower so many of us through his instruction and example.

Anyways, I highly recommend the book for any and all martial artists. And if you’ve never trained, I still recommend it. Who knows: the stories, advice, and perspectives George provides through the book may inspire you to learn more or even begin training.

(And be sure to check out the Qigong chapter starting on page 41!)

Resilient Edge Wellness at the EVAWI Annual Conference

I was proud to present again this year at the End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and the Cycle of Justice which occurred April 1 – 3 in San Diego. (#EVAWI2024)

This year, we did a 100 percent interactive Qigong session. We did a brief introduction and then got right into some breathwork and Qigong. The session was part of EVAWI’s objective of providing wellness and self-care related programming during the conference as a benefit to attendees while at the conference, as well as to inform them of modalities they can investigate when they get home.

I heard from so many attendees and participants in my session that they enjoyed the session AND are looking to bring this type of practice into their work with survivors, as well as into the wellness programs they have begun to offer within their organizations.

Our first responders (law enforcement, fire / EMS, advocates, nurses, etc.) have to show up every day and deal with the worst kinds of crimes and assaults, as well as their aftermath. In their commitment to serve victims and hold perpetrators accountable, they may often neglect their own health and wellbeing. It’s not uncommon to suffer from cumulative and post-traumatic stress from this type of work, and many are interested in establishing an effective, consistent self-care and wellness program.

Nurturing Resilience

Our theme this year was “Nurturing Resilience: An Ancient Framework for Modern Living”. The resources we provided to attendees included a program based on the Five Elements (Wu Xing) Framework of Classical Chinese Medicine. The framework serves as both a diagnostic and prescriptive tool in my work as a Doctor of Medical Qigong. It also provides a profound and fascinating method of understanding one’s own physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses, as well as a roadmap for overcoming challenges.

The way we teach it (and how I leverage it in my work with clients) can help you:

  • Develop resilience in the face of adversity, challenges, and traumatic experiences;
  • Feel healthier and more energetic;
  • Stop stressing and start living!

Testimonial Time

“Hi Karen,

THANK YOU for presenting and exhibiting with us this year [at the EVAWI Annual Conference]. Your class was fantastic and I heard really amazing feedback about it. In fact, one woman told me that she hasn’t taken a yoga or breathwork class in over 20 years because she associated it to some past trauma. She said she finally felt safe enough to participate in your class and loved it.
Thank you!”
–Jacque Bassett, Chief Operating Officer, End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI)

If you’re interested in learning more, visit the Mind-Body Resilience site. You can sign up for an online Five Elements / Wu Xing course here. You can also contact me at

Total Solar Eclipse Today

We’re gearing up here in Texas for the total solar eclipse that will occur today. Our little town outside of Austin is in the path of totality. In fact, we will experience over 3 and a half minutes of totality.

I’ve never seen a total solar eclipse. I rescheduled my client appointments for today (and all of my clients wanted to do the same) to ensure I am here, in our beautiful, large back yard that serves as a habitat for so many birds and critters. We have hill views to the west, northwest, north, and northeast, so we will be able to see the effects along the horizon, as well as have a full view of the sky. I can’t wait!

One potential dimmer: this morning we have partly cloudy skies and thunderstorms are moving in later this afternoon. We’ll just go with the flow and take the experience any way we receive it from Mother Nature and our wonderful Creator.

Get in Touch with Your Yang Energy

During a total silar eclipse, the moon is precisely between the earth and the sun and blocks the rays of the sun from reaching earth. From a Daoist perspective, this also means the yin energy of the moon is blocking the yang energy of the sun.

We are diurnal creatures, meaning we are active primarily during the day. So we are typically bathed in the yang energy of the sun (even on cloudy days). We swim in yang energy, especially in our modern society of doing, going, lights on, always busy, etc. So, while we may be conscious of the yang energy of the sun, we typically are less aware of our own yang energy.

The yin energy of the total solar eclipse will isolate your own yang energy, helping you become more aware of it – particularly any aspects that may be blocked and not flowing. This eclipse in particular should be super powerful because the moon is closer to the earth than usual and all three celestial bodies – earth, moon and sun – are exactly aligned. Whew! Powerful stuff!

While the eclipse occurs, focus on your yang energy and locate any parts that are stuck and not flowing. Becoming aware of blockages and stagnation is the first step to being able to release them and get your energy moving more fluidly again. Remember the energies can manifest as not only physical sensations, but also mental and emotional thoughts, flashes, or feelings. So be open to different sensations you may feel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You don’t have to look toward the sun to do this! In fact, never look directly at the sun. The only time it’s safe is during the brief period of totality today. At all other times, please wear a set of quality eclipse glasses to protect your eyes.

You may be thinking, “Well duh Karen! Everyone knows that.”

Apparently not. Our area is expecting a huge influx of visitors to view the eclipse. Some of my favorite roadside signs in recent days said things like, “Do not park in road” (i.e., don’t just stop in the middle of this busy four-lane road to watch the eclipse). My other favorite is “Don’t wear eclipse glasses while driving”.

Back to your energy: If you can sense and hone in on the stuck yang energy in your body, mind and/or emotions, you will be able to sense your energy later, after the eclipse, and begin to work on it. You can then begin to work gently within yourself to dissolve blockages. You may find certain sensations or thoughts / flashes or emotions are coming up. If you journal, you may find yourself pulled to write about certain things.

That’s all OK. Often when we become more aware of and begin to ping our energy or certain aspects of our energy matrix, shit comes up. Go with it! It’s your body and heart / mind trying to tell you something. By unblocking your yang energy, you can improve your awareness and understanding of yourself, enhance your energy, and improve your interactions with others and your experience of your world.

End Violence Against Women

I’m proud to be presenting again at the End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and the Cycle of Justice which runs from April 1 – 3 in San Diego. (#EVAWI2024)

Last year’s presentation was part lecture, part interactive movement as we discussed how Medical Qigong and Chinese Energetic Medicine can help provide a natural approach to healing trauma, vicarious trauma, and post-traumatic stress. Attendees then joined me in some foundational Qigong (“chee kung”) exercises which they told me they really enjoyed.

This year, we’ll be almost 100 percent interactive. I’ll provide a brief introduction and then we’ll get right into some breathwork and Qigong. The session is part of EVAWI’s objective of providing wellness and self-care related programming during the conference, as a benefit to attendees while at the conference, as well as informing them of modalities they can investigate when they get home.

Nurturing Resilience

My theme this year is “Nurturing Resilience: An Ancient Framework for Modern Living”. The resources we provide to attendees will include a program based on the Five Elements (Wu Xing) Framework of Classical Chinese Medicine. The framework serves as both a diagnostic and prescriptive tool in my work as a Doctor of Medical Qigong. It also provides a profound and even fun method of understanding one’s own physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses, as well as a roadmap for overcoming challenges.

The way we teach it (and how I leverage it in my work with clients) can help you:

  • Develop resilience in the face of adversity, challenges, and traumatic experiences;
  • Feel healthier and more energetic;
  • Stop stressing and start living!

If you’re attending the conference, stop by Booth #21, say Hi, and pick up your Nurturing Resilience kit – including a complimentary set of our Five Virtues wristbands (while supplies last). These wristbands are popular items when I speak. They remind you to focus on the highly regarded virtues / practices of Integrity, Wisdom, Compassion, Joy, and Trust.

If you’re interested in learning more, visit the Mind-Body Resilience site – and you can also sign up for an online Five Elements / Wu Xing course here.

Restart Your Year – Now!

We’re already into the third month of 2024. How have you done so far on your New Year’s resolutions or the goals you set for this year?

If you’re like the majority of folks, you’ve already slipped, backslided, or simply given up on your goals. The famous dictum within the fitness world is as follows: the gyms will get super crowded in early January…but by the third week in February, the crowds have mostly disappeared and it’s just “the regulars” again.

Well, I’ve got wonderful news for you!

It’s not your fault.”

You see, setting new goals and resolutions in late December or early January is just about the worst possible time to do so.

Winter is the most Yin time of the year. The reduced light, shorter days and longer nights, and cold temperatures naturally encourage us to sleep more and become less active. Our metabolism and energy levels decrease in winter. Nature’s idea is that we should slow down, use less energy, and basically “hibernate” during the cold, lean winter months.

And yes, even in our climate-controlled, well-lit modern existence, our bodies, brains and energetic matrix still respond to nature’s call.

Energetically, this most Yin time of year is just the worst in terms of gearing up to conquer ourselves, move forward toward new challenges, and push to achieve our goals. The energetics of winter are more about quiescence, going inside to ponder and reflect, develop some wisdom, and help the body rest up and recharge.

Lunar New Year Just Concluded

Here’s a suggestion: Instead of beating yourself up for not making better progress….or berating yourself for having already given up on your stated resolutions or goals…start all over!

Yes, restart your year now.

The Chinese Lunar New Year just concluded in February. So it’s a brand new year! The year of the Wood Dragon, by the way, which is quite auspicious. The Wood element means growth and development, rising energy, and many other good things (which we will discuss in a future post).

And now we are experiencing the first glimmers of Spring.

If you live in the northern states or climes, you may still be experiencing cold weather and even snow. But you likely are detecting some signs of Spring, including the days getting longer. Where we live in Central Texas, we have already been mowing the lawn, cleaning the beds, and planting new flowers. In fact, we just put the garden in!

Spring means Yang Ascending – the energies are increasing. So it only make sense to ride that energetic wave, recommit and refocus on your goals, and get moving.

Declare it a new year and move forward with renewed vigor and expectancy.

You Can Do It!

Dr. Karen

Let’s Help You Get Focused

Right after the New Year, I suggested you test the “One Thing” approach and ask yourself the focusing question:

” What is the ONE THING I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

I followed my own advice and focused on my one most important initiative for the beginning of the year. This initiative has consumed most of my time and energy throughout January and February.

So consuming, in fact, that I put aside other tasks and projects to ensure I could invest the time and energy required to get a good result. Things such as weekly updates to my blog…board director meetings…other writing projects…and in some cases, even my own training and qigong practice.

Don’t worry, I didn’t go completely AWOL. Obviously there were certain responsibilities, including my teaching and consultations, that I continued to do. But it felt liberating to take some of the pressure off and give myself the freedom to focus.

My multi-tasking, juggling multiple projects and responsibilities, always wanting to start on the next idea self just got schooled…in a new way to approach life. One of my catch phrases or mantras is “ABL: Always Be Learning”. And I learned a lot from this experiment.

So, count me in to the “One Thing” approach and working on a smaller but more more focused set of projects and initiatives within any given time period.

A Simple Approach to Help You Focus This Year

Deciding on the top one, two or three things to focus on can difficult for many of us. Most of us fill multiple roles in our lives, each with its own sets of aspirations, goals, responsibilities, tasks, and commitments.

To help you ponder, analyze, and decide on your most critical priorities for the year, I’d like to share a framework I picked up from Jim Collins, the author of “Good to Great”, “Built to Last”, and other highly regarded, impactful business books.

I heard this in a podcast interview during which Jim discussed his personal approach to planning for and organizing his year. It’s simple yet powerful. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down the following:

(1) Top 3 Achievements: Decide on the top three achievements, goals, or objectives you want to accomplish this year. These are the Big Rocks of your year. Really take your time with this, as these top three will be (should be) the things you work on most this coming year.

(2) Top 3 Supporting Objectives: Then determine the most important objectives that will support achieving your Top 3.

(3) Top 3 Things to Reduce or Eliminate: What do you need to reduce or do less of? What can you let go? This may leap out at you…or you may have to dig into your heart and ponder for a bit.

In my Qigong classes, we start each session with some initial breathing exercises, then we move right into a set of purging exercises. We must first purge any negative energy, stagnation, tightness, aches and pains, or emotional content, so we can make room for the good energy and emotions that we cultivate during the heart of our practice.

The other way to think about this is “clearing the decks”. Think about what you can clear out to reduce the clutter and constant (even if subconscious) mental and emotional tugs and demands. It could be a responsibility, such as a board you’ve been on – OR your tendency to say Yes to more community involvement and volunteer work. It could be a pattern of behavior, such as excessive worrying or procrastination. It could be something you give up for Lent, and just continue on for the rest of the year.

Then write down thr top three things to reduce or stop.

(4) Top 3 Fun: Finally, come up with the top three fun activities or things you would like to do – or do more of – this year. This could be a fun trip you’d like to take, or an experience you’d like to share with your family. It could be simple things, like giving yourself permission to read more or to get a massage once a month. It could be hiking more often, or going to more movies. Go with activities or events that really resonate with you, that give you joy, that will shake up the routine, that will rejuvenate you.

Don’t Let Perfection Be the Enemy of GETTING STARTED

Now, you can spend a lot of time with this exercise. And I do recommend you put some thought into it. But don’t take too long.

Put pen (or pencil) to paper and write down what comes to you for each of the above categories. As you write them down, also consider what focusing on these “Top 3’s” will actually mean to you this year.

Picture yourself actually achieving your Top 3. How wonderful will you feel if, at the end of the year, you achieved even one of these? Or two? Or all three?

See yourself organizing your time, schedule, and energy around your Top 3 and their supporting objectives. Feel yourself enjoying the freedom as you cut out the clutter of pointless, harmful, and unfulfilling activities or behaviors so you can FOCUS and get shit done. And bask in the enjoyment, renewal and JOY as you give yourself permission to have MORE FUN this year.

OK, enough said. Get going!

You Can Do It!

Dr. Karen

Happy New Year!

Let’s Get Off to a Great Start

Happy New Year to you, Dear Reader!

I’m sorry I haven’t posted since early December. The end of 2023 brought family tragedy, family illnesses, emergency trips home…at times it all seemed overwhelming. However, we managed to decorate the house and choose and decorate a beautiful Christmas tree. Fortunately we did this right after Thanksgiving, while our son was home from school, so we were able to honr and enjoy this portion of our holiday traditions. The rest of December seemingly went to hell and back. However, we spent a nice New Year’s Eve together. Finally some calm family time to rest and begin to mend.

And now we move into 2024.

This time of year, many folks like to make resolutions, often around things such as losing weight, getting fitter, getting more organized, earning more money, doing better at the job, etc., etc., etc. Some of the more enlightened among us may place emphasis on improving relationships – spending more time with the wife / husband / partner, spending more time with the kids, calling Mom every week – or on more intangible goals such as experiencing more joy this year. Others stick to very tangible goals like “finally” cleaning out and organizing the garage or the shed.

Whew! I’m getting exhausting just typing all that!

There are as many ways to tackle resolutions or goals or aspirations as there are human beings. However, I’d like to share a couple key strategies that might be helpful this time of year. And they work together synergistically which is really cool.

I tend to “overschedule” myself in terms of goals, activities, and what I wish to complete or achieve in the coming year. I also tend to NOT hit all of those goals and fall short on some of the activities. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that, while I may have a list of 8 to 10 major things I would like to achieve during the year, I will not actually achieve anywhere close to that number of goals unless I FOCUS.

I have also realized that I won’t achieve an important goal or objective (or resolution) unless I make the activity related to that goal a HABIT.

Yes, FOCUS and HABITS are the keys.

Not very sexy, I know. Not sounding fun.

I can hear the moans and groans now. “Can’t I just bask in the glow of my super awesome resolution, Karen? Focus and habits just don’t sound very appealing!” I feel your pain. Bear with me. It’s not that bad.

And when you give up the fantasy of completely transforming your life without any effort or patience or perserverance, you will find my recommendations below actually make things EASIER on you! So read on, my friend…

The One Thing

Gary Keller (of Keller-Williams Realty fame) and Jay Papasan wrote a book in 2012 titled “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results”. I highly recommend it.

The key idea of the book is to focus your efforts on a smaller, but more substantial, set of goals and objectives. Even just ONE critical goal or objective. Then build the habits that help support your achieving it.

Their key question, what they call “The Focusing Question”, is as follows:

“What’s the ONE THING I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

At the beginning of each year, ask yourself this question with the “Big Picture” in mind – meaning, what is the one thing that will be most critical to YOU. Questions such as “Where am I going? What target should I aim for? What do I really want to do with my life?” This can be for the new year or aspirationally what you would like to manifest over the coming three to five years (or longer).

You can also check in at regular intervals during the year with a Big Picture review of how you’re doing against your most important goals or dreams, and then course correct as needed. (And you will almost always have to course correct, that’s just the nature of doing big things.)

Then plan this year, this month, this week, and today, by asking the “Small Focus” question: “What must I do right now to be on the path to achieving the big picture?”

In other words, focus on one or two or three big things…then work your way backwards to what you will do each month, week, and daily to help you reach that big thing.

The key takeaway I get from this is to FOCUS better. Instead of 10 different “priorities” for the year, or month, or week…I am titrating down to the top three things during each time frame, then thinking about and identifying the supporting objectives and habits to support me and make it easier for me to reach my big goals.

Develop 1 to 3 Good Habits

A ton has been written over the past five to 10 years about the importance of HABIT and developing good habits, so I won’t spend too much time on them here.

As an individual who is not always as “self-disciplined” as I think I should be…and who then berates myself when I miss the mark…I offer another approach that might work better – for me and for you.

Just as you focus on one top goal or achievement for the year (or top three goals at the most), focus on building one key habit. Think about the most important habit you could develop that would make achieving your goal easier.

For example:

-Your top goal, the outcome you want the most, is to get fitter and lose weight. Of the things you can do to help achieve this, what would be the most important habit you could build that would make this easier?

Think here not only in terms of the cumulative effect of the habit over time. Think also in terms of whether you will stick to the habit.

So, if you haven’t exercised at all in several years, you might not want to say you will “run three miles” every day or life weight four times a week, or something crazy. Rather, set a lower benchmark that become your “floor”, the least you will do – the effort you will COMMIT to doing, come hell or high water.

A good example would be to establish the habit to walk every morning, or every evening. Or to do some type of physical activity every day, even if it’s just some stretching or a few minutes of qigong and breathwork.

Or start out by doing one pushup every morning, without fail. Then build from there. Just like eating Lays potato chips, you probably will not be able to stop at just one pushup. You will want to do more. But committing to ONE pushup, or ONE short walk, or ONE MINUTE of breathing, as your baseline, will make the habit easier to build.

I’ll have more to share about habits, as well as a super fun method for helping you FOCUS on your most important goal – your ONE THING – and actually make it happen this year – in my next post.

Until then, start asking and pondering the focusing question: ” What is the ONE THING you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

You Can Do It!

Dr. Karen

A Master Key to Success

I’m fond of quoting one of my favorite martial arts instructors, who used to say – over and over again: “Repetition, repetition, repetition…repetition coupled with enthusiasm is the key to success in all your endeavors.”

When a much younger “me” first heard this, I found it to be a transforming message. I had experienced success in many areas of my life, including my studies, my athletic pursuits, my career, and so forth. Yet I sometimes baffled myself with how impulsive I could be.

If I were more into astrology, I might blame it on being a Pisces. Pisces, a water sign, is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. There’s a certain duality in the Pisces personality and we are known for our sometimes impulsive tendencies. Or perhaps it’s genetic. Or maybe it’s how I have always handled the stress of having many interests, many things to do, and sometimes feeling overwhelmed.

Whatever the root cause, I have found that impulsiveness can manifest in our lives in many different ways, such as procrastination, a lack of focus on the task at hand, or making a big decision solely based on intuition, without any sort of thought or rational analysis.

On the darker side, it can appear as addiction and compulsions that are extremely difficult to overcome. Like eating too much, drinking too much, drug abuse, etc.

The cure for impulsiveness – or, at least, one of the best ways to control it – is consistency. This brings us back to my instructor’s advice. Repetition means consistency. It means doing the things that are good for you every day, and making them a habit. For example, exercise must be consistent to be effective. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning and health maintenance. Lack of consistency leads to the erosion of your health and fitness foundation. And without a solid foundation, no structure will stand.

Too many people who begin exercise, or healthy eating habits, or a qigong and breathwork practice, give up and quit too soon to realize their amazing benefits. Don’t be one of them!

If there is one overall secret to success, it’s consistency…consistency and enthusiasm. In other words, doing the right things, and having fun while you’re doing them.

You Can Do It!

Dr. Karen